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The Ultimate NINE Book Steamy Dark Fantasy Bundle + 2 FREE Gift E-books

The Ultimate NINE Book Steamy Dark Fantasy Bundle + 2 FREE Gift E-books

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  • Dark Fantasy
  • Fated Mates
  • Witches and Werewolves


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🖤🔮A world of curses, witches, shifters, vampires, and a Viking-like tribe that’ll keep you entranced until the stunning conclusion🌙🐺

Welcome to The Broken Immortals.

With war on the horizon, this cast of characters must unravel the mysteries that bind them all together before the world spirals out of control. Filled with dark secrets, betrayal, star-crossed lovers, and magic, this series will grip your soul and refuse to let go.

Discover family betrayal, stolen magic, twisted plots of revenge, and an enemy gaining power as those who would defeat them squabble amongst themselves.

The five kingdoms hang in the balance. Will their people bring themselves together before the ultimate evil destroys everything?

The Broken Immortals is the best-selling, steamy fated mates fantasy with so many secrets that you’ll find yourself guessing what happens until the end.

Includes the 8 available books of The Broken Immortals series: The Darke King, Cursed, Queen of Ruin, Breaking the Queen, The Red Queen, The Ranger, The Darke Wolf, The Immortal's Mate, and The Firebreather plus 2 FREE stories!

Intro into Chapter One

The tingle in his sweaty palms should have been a warning to the young Commander as he passed through the throne room threshold. But when the Emperor calls for you, there is no refusing his command. “Did you believe there was any secret I wouldn’t know about, Daniel?”

While he stood before his Master, Daniel’s black hair fell over his eyes as he closed them and tried to silence his mind. But there was little use. The sneer curling on the decrepit old sorcerer’s face revealed he had learned of Daniel’s treachery. “I can gaze through your mind, young witch.”

With his rotting, wrinkled fingers bending to summon him, the old man motioned for his guards to bring the prisoner forward. The falling sensation in his hands and feet warned Daniel his mother had entered the room, and he lifted his eyes to find her hands bound as she kneeled before the ancient one.

From beneath the shadow of his gray hood, the tyrant glared at his protégé. “What shall I do with a traitorous witch?” The old wizard raised his brow as a smile crossed his evil lips, and his finger tapped at his forehead. “I know.”

A glint of the knife he took from his belt sent a shiver of icy pain through Daniel’s chest. The old monster snatched the wide-eyed woman by her hair and sliced through her neck without hesitation.

Her delicate white dress was soon drenched in crimson as blood poured down over her body and the spark of life left her dark eyes. The entire world collapsed on Daniel’s shoulders and crushed the once cruel man into nothing.

Her lifeless body slammed to the cold floor, and her life force splashed across the room and sprayed over the young man’s face.

The wicked giggle wiggled its way into the cloud of Daniel’s devastation, and his eyes rose to meet the old man’s. “Did you actually believe I wouldn’t find her? Stupid, arrogant fool. Well, you were wrong, and now you will suffer for your egoism. Young one, you will bow to me and declare your undying allegiance, or you will endure the same fate as this garbage at my feet.”

“I’ll fucking destroy you.” Shiny black boots beat against the slick marble floor until the Emperor raised his hand and froze Daniel in place with his invisible grip.

The halted clicks and chokes of amusement gurgled in the villain’s nose. With a flick of his wrist, he flung Daniel to the other side of the room and sprung down from his throne. Pushing his cloak off his shoulders as he rushed to his apprentice, the sovereign held out his hand and stole the breath from Daniel’s lungs.

Without even enough air to curse his murderer, Daniel clenched his teeth and stared him in the eyes until he crashed to the floor, with the laughs of his Master echoing around the sterile room.

The ageless monster circled him and clasped his hands behind his back as he laid out his plan. “Now, I will reign down an era of torture upon you like this world has never seen before. By the time I am through, nothing will remain. You will disappear, and no one will remember you ever existed. You were nothing when you came to me, and you will leave me as nothing.”

Trembling hands pushed against the cold floor as Daniel came to stand in defiance of the Emperor’s desire to listen to him grovel. “You can kill me. I don’t care anymore, but I won’t die on my knees.”

The thin, wrinkly cheek under his eyes lifted as a smirk came to the old man’s lips while he imagined all the pain he would inflict on the boy. “As you wish.”

While the leader supreme decided on his next move, a whiff of something beautiful swept across Daniel’s face, and his heart raced with a shot of life. A glowing form stepped from behind the monster and glided toward the doomed witch.

Scarlet hair fell over her shoulder, and her icy blue eyes pierced through her brilliantly illuminated aura. Pausing as she came to Daniel’s side, the light drifted away, revealing her angelic face. With her fingers wove together in front of her chest, she pleaded with him to come to her. “Please save us, Daniel.”

Slightly protruding ears thumped with the pulsing blood through his veins as he reached out for her, only to slip through the illusion. When the last faint notes of her sweet voice left his mind, goosebumps rose on his arms, and his eyes snapped up to the wicked one. “I’m coming, my love.”

With a new purpose filling the young man’s heart, Daniel felt a spark of ancient magic rising within him.

As the side of his mouth curled and his hair lifted from his shoulders, he looked over at the old witch before him. Out of the palms of his hands, a blue glow rushed over his body, inch by inch.

The hundred wicked whispers in his ears took control, and his arm flinched from his side and drifted upwards. The Emperor tried to break through the inferno encompassing Daniel’s body. Still, not even the old warlock could stop the unworldly ancient creatures favoring the younger man at that moment.

When his finger came to his lips, a blackness crossed Daniel’s eyes as he wagged his head, and the evil command fell from his tongue. “Shh.”

The fiery spirits flowed from Daniel’s mouth and engulfed the old wizard in their scalding embrace. He stood over the burning flesh and bone pile until it smoldered down to ashes and spat on the sad remains as his pointy teeth peeked through his smile. “I’m the Master of the Flames, and I don’t bow to any fucking body.”

When he shook off the beast inside him, he turned to look at his mother and blinked around at his destruction. The dream-like recollection of the past few moments passed before his eyes, and he raised his palms to his face as the long-forgotten feeling of amusement huffed from his belly. “What the fuck is happening to me?”

Though she was the only person who ever gave him a second thought, he couldn’t shed a tear for the woman who gave birth to him. The rarely used emotion of guilt gnawed at his throat and made him swallow down the regret of every wrong he’d ever done.

He crouched down, slid his hands beneath her body, and tugged her into his chest with a grit of his teeth. Not a soul dared question the man as the awestruck soldiers parted, and he carried his mother out the fortress gates.

He entered the dead forest and dodged the brittle thorny branches slapping and ripping at him. When the old remnants of life thinned into a clearing, he laid his mother on the rocky ground and kneeled beside her.

His fingers grazed her icy hand, and he swallowed down all his regret. “You were a wonderful mother. I wish I had been a better son.” His hand closed around hers, and he pressed his lips to her palm before placing it across her chest. “Goodbye, Mother.”

When the prickly tickle rose from his skin and the tiny bumps spread through his body, Daniel brought his palms before his eyes. The blue flame ignited as the soft crunches of feet against the lifeless forest floor came to his ears.

With a shudder through his whole body, he glanced to his right to see the vision’s fingers drag through the charred bushes on her way to him.

The once black stems sprouted new buds, and the ugly darkness that once covered them was lush with green life again.

Like lightning flashing in the midnight sky, her light rushed his nerves when her fingertips grazed his arm, and the blackness retook his eyes. The hushed voices in his mind gave their directives, and as Daniel looked over his mother, he put his finger to his mouth. “Shh.”

A brilliant flash of light swept across the woods. When it cleared, the only thing remaining was the man dressed in black and the reignited army of demons dwelling inside him.

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