A warlock king on a mission to defeat an ancient enemy, supernatural beings who can't seem to straighten out their love lives, and the secrets that bind them all...

Mistreated all his life and forced to climb the ranks under a ruthless dictator, the warlock Daniel Darke believes a brighter tomorrow lies beyond his world. So when he's visited by a beautiful woman in a vision, he follows her through a portal to a magical land of swords, sorcery, and mythical creatures.

Despite being one of Earth's most dreaded warlocks, when Daniel arrives in the City by the Sea, he is welcomed as a trusted friend and protector. But as soon as he comes face to face with the woman from his visions, memories of other lifetimes come rushing back to him as his powers multiply.

With all the memories and visions of things to come laid out before him like the pages of a book, the Darke King readies for the return of an ancient enemy. Although, it's a man from his wife's past that he needs to be on alert for.

A werewolf with no past, the woman of his dreams, and the curse that binds them...

Ben Logan woke up in a strange bed with a stab wound in his chest, but no memory of how he got there or what happened to him. Still, the strangest part of it all is that he can no longer shift or communicate with the wolf that lives inside him.

Haunted by a beautiful woman each night in his dreams, Ben becomes more hopeless while he spends his days as a caretaker for the Order’s wealthy elite. After performing some maintenance on his favorite house, he comes face to face with the woman of his dreams. But when the cruel hand of Fate binds you to the one who damned you, finding your soul mate is a curse.

For a thousand years, the two most powerful families in the world of witchcraft have been at war. To end the violence once and for all, they arrange a union between their children, Tessa and Rafik.

At a dinner party meant to finalize the marriage negotiations, the ancient feud comes to a bloody end.

Barely escaping, Tessa is forced into hiding for ten years. But on her twenty-third birthday, she receives an invitation to study with the best potion maker in the world. Ready to start her new life, she goes to England, only to be confronted by the man who deceived her all those years ago.

Sparks fly between these star-crossed lovers as Rafik tries to make amends to his mate. Unfortunately, Tessa isn't the only one who wants him to pay for the sins of his past.

The most miserable part about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, but they’re all about to discover what a wicked witch Tessa can be.

This is not a happily ever after romance with a naughty witch and hot werewolf twins. This is darkerThis is not a happily ever after romance with a naughty witch and hot werewolf twins. This is darker

This is not a happily ever after romance with a naughty witch and hot werewolf twins. This is darker- much darker.

When Tessa Mason drives to Virginia to attend her estranged brother’s wedding, she expects to meet the bride’s family. What she doesn’t expect is that her new brothers-in-law will claim her as their fated mate.

She’s not interested, but they don’t care.

They want her, and they’re going to have her, no matter what. After her brother’s betrayal leaves her defenseless, the twins use it to their advantage.

However, an angry witch is a dangerous witch, and this little monster will have her revenge.

But in a story as dark as theirs, can there be a true victor?

A dark paranormal fantasy...not for the faint of heart!Tessa kept every promise she ever made to theA dark paranormal fantasy...not for the faint of heart!Tessa kept every promise she ever made to the

A dark paranormal fantasy...not for the faint of heart!

Tessa kept every promise she ever made to the wolf pack she controlled.

Protected them from all enemies, seen and unseen.

Their children had never known a day of sickness, hunger, or violence. In return, all she demanded was that the barbaric rite of forcible mating be abolished forever.

So when Tessa's Lycan-born son violates the one rule that must not be broken, the punishment is swift and severe. But as always, it's the fiery Queen who ends up suffering the most for the sins of the people who claim to love her.

She’s hoping for the vacation of a lifetime.He lives a life of peace and quiet in the woods.When theShe’s hoping for the vacation of a lifetime.He lives a life of peace and quiet in the woods.When the

She’s hoping for the vacation of a lifetime.

He lives a life of peace and quiet in the woods.

When their secrets are revealed, they’ll have their hands full...of each other.

Soon after moving in next door to the Forest Ranger, Hazel Parker discovers that her neighbor is unbelievably handsome and mysterious. But as a woman of mystery herself, she’s not one to judge.

Unfortunately, he’s not interested in her. Now, that is something she could blame him for until a not-so-chance encounter changes everything she thought she knew about him.

As it turns out, he is very interested. So interested that she wakes up in his bed as his captive, and he has no intention of letting her go. Ever.

Believe it or not, she's alright with that. Because Hazel’s not your typical damsel in distress, and she has a very dark secret waiting to reveal itself.

But then again, so does the Ranger.

A woman who suddenly wakes up in a strange land, an ancient warlock with a nasty reputation, and a bond she doesn't want but just can't resist…

When Gretchen learns she can never ever go home again, she embarks on a journey to find her family already living in the Realm of the Supernaturals.

A dark presence that haunted her dreams for weeks now stalks her night and day in this upside-down world.

When she finally finds the courage to confront him, Gretchen is taken captive by the dark figure from her nightmares.

After escaping, she tries to put the ordeal out of her mind and get on with her new life. But Damien isn't a man who will be ignored and forgotten.

Will Gretchen ever shake the man who terrorizes her, or will they be forever tormented by the ghosts of the past?

A woman who sees death everywhere, a man who can't be killed, and one week to love a lifetime's wortA woman who sees death everywhere, a man who can't be killed, and one week to love a lifetime's wort

A woman who sees death everywhere, a man who can't be killed, and one week to love a lifetime's worth...

After suffering a devastating loss as a school nurse, Morana Faye accepts a new job in Europe.

When she's introduced to the colorful townspeople, she meets a man who claims to be a thousand-year-old Viking.

Challenged by the mysterious man, Morana feels pulled to him by forces she doesn’t yet understand, but can’t resist.

Giving in to her desires, she falls hard for the ancient immortal creature. Brought together by chance and united by their failures, Morana and Haldir soon discover their fates are intertwined.

When she reveals a dark secret, Haldir seeks the guidance of a friend whom he believes can save her. Left all alone with her demons, Morana is forced to face down the long-forgotten sins of her lover’s past with disastrous consequences.

With the entire world on the verge of war, a witch with a serious memory problem teams up with her gWith the entire world on the verge of war, a witch with a serious memory problem teams up with her g

With the entire world on the verge of war, a witch with a serious memory problem teams up with her greatest enemy to find her daughter. But when he gives Tessa a potion to restore her mind, she discovers those secrets she longed to remember were only the beginning of reclaiming her rightful place in the world of magic.

When her daughter goes missing right before her wedding, Tessa has no choice but to team up with the fiercest enemy her family has ever known to find her. But the deal is — she must take one of his potions before he’ll reunite them.

Suspicious of his intentions but desperate to find her child, Tessa agrees. At last, a million tiny doors in her mind open, instantly returning every memory and lifetime to her.

But the war, a thousand years in the making, has finally come for the Realm, and Tessa must choose between reclaiming the love of her life or saving the world instead.