A woman transported to a magical world, the man who swore in blood to protect her, and the twisted secret that threatens to destroy them...

Instead of her routine morning jog before work as a contract attorney, Emily Gazer runs straight into a magical land to escape a black-eyed stalker.

Thrust into an ancient world that threatens her life at every turn, Emily finds her only chance of survival lies in a handsome young warrior named Olen.

Despite their attraction, Emily learns Olen and the other men of the tribe are forbidden to take her as a wife. Bound by an ancient oath, Olen has no choice but to take the priestess to his king to use in a forthcoming war.

When an outsider challenges Olen for the right to marry Emily, though, he breaks his vows to keep her with his tribe... but that's only the beginning of their nightmare.

A woman transported to a magical world, the man who swore in blood to protect her, and the twisted sA woman transported to a magical world, the man who swore in blood to protect her, and the twisted s
A woman craving some excitement in her life, the man who watches her every move, and an ancient secrA woman craving some excitement in her life, the man who watches her every move, and an ancient secr
A woman haunted by her demons, the beast that traveled across the universe to find her, and the worlA woman haunted by her demons, the beast that traveled across the universe to find her, and the worl

A woman craving some excitement in her life, the man who watches her every move, and an ancient secret waiting to reveal itself...

Ida's mine. She just doesn't know it yet.

For two hundred years, I've watched and waited for her. And now, she's finally within my grasp.

I've rid her of her worthless, cheating husband. Made her wealthy beyond her wildest dreams.

Today I'm claiming what belongs to me. I am the watcher, and she is my mate.

A woman haunted by her demons, the beast that traveled across the universe to find her, and the world waiting for them to return...

The moment I stepped off the plane in this remote Alaskan town, I walked straight into a nightmare when I'm kidnapped.

Blindfolded and dumped in the forest, I have twenty minutes to run as far as possible before the men are released for their annual mating hunt.

But will the handsome sheriff rescue me in time? Or is he the monster I need to be rescued from?

A warrior princess sent on an impossible mission, the prince who decided she was worth saving, and tA warrior princess sent on an impossible mission, the prince who decided she was worth saving, and t

A warrior princess sent on an impossible mission, the prince who decided she was worth saving, and the evil that will tear their world apart...

To punish me for being born with the gift of foresight, my father ordered me to invade bear country, knowing I would never return. The frozen forest took every one of my men, leaving me clinging to life. Still, Prince Joseph embraced me, forcing me to live amongst his people to give me a fresh start.

When the long-gone king returns from his quest to save this world from evil, Joseph honors him by instituting an ancient rite...the mating chase.

Now a citizen of this backward land, I'm forced to run with the other unattached women. With twenty minutes to get as far away as possible before they release the men, I can taste my freedom just beyond the horizon.

But just as I step foot past the territory border, a force from out of nowhere knocks me to the ground.

Gold eyes, like the sun coming over these mountains, stared down at me, and The Mighty laid his claim.

A daydreaming shopkeeper and the handsome pirate stuck in her favorite painting chase adventure and A daydreaming shopkeeper and the handsome pirate stuck in her favorite painting chase adventure and

A daydreaming shopkeeper and the handsome pirate stuck in her favorite painting chase adventure and learn to navigate the dangerous seas of a magical world they cannot escape.

When Marcy opens her oddities shop one snowy morning, she discovers the shipwrecked pirate in her favorite painting has changed.

So when a sinister old man comes looking to buy it, she has second thoughts, no matter how badly she needs the money.

Rushing to hide the portrait among the other garbage that lines her shelves, she discovers the handsome sailor is now missing entirely. But that's not even the strangest thing that happened that night...